NW Dept Of Social Development Learnership Career

NW Dept Of Social Development Learnership Career

NW Dept of Social Development invites qualified applicants for their recent Learnership Career that covers; first, project support for NQF 4. Second, home care practice for care & disability with NQF 2. And third home care practice for palliative & frail care with NQF 2. Applicants who hold interest toward NW Dept of Social Development learnership programme for 2025, making sure that you are; (1) around 18 – 35 years old, (2) unemployed graduates of South Africans, (3) holding qualification level 2 of grade 10 to 11, (4) have no prior learnership experience, (5) have experience taking care older people and people with disability, and (6) North West province resident.
NW Dept Of Social Development Learnership Career
In order to hinder any inconvenience qualified applicants should submit their application that is offered within their area. In addition, the Learnership Career at North West Dept Of Social Development will last in 12 months and within that period, successful applicants will receive per month allowance about R2 119.24. People with disabilities that meet the requirements can apply the learnership opportunity. Download form 783 that you can request from public service department near your area, and together with certified copies of identity document, qualifications,  and curriculum vitae, forward your application before its deadline on August 19th.
Application should be submitted based on addresses which are requested by North West Dept Of Social Development Learnership Career, further questions, you can dial 018 388 3747 (Mr T Mokhasi) or 018 388 2867 (Ms P. Matheat). Both email and fax are not allowed. In addition, late application will lead to failure. Applicants who hold foreign qualification, they need to provide evaluation certificate published by SAQA, in the case they want to apply the mentioned learnership programmme. Qualified applicants who expect to apply more than one learnership, as far as they meet the requirements, are allowed. However, you have to apply the learnership separately.