NWU School Of Tourism Hosts Tourism Lekgotla

NWU School Of Tourism Hosts Tourism Lekgotla

The School of Tourism in the Faculty of Humanities at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng, in conjunction with the North West Provincial Department of Tourism, hosted a Tourism Lekgotla on 20 October 2024.
The theme of the Lekgotla was “Growth in Domestic Tourism”.
The keynote speaker at the Lekgotla was Ms Desbo Mohono, the MEC of the North West Provincial Department of Tourism.
I her address Ms Mohono said that tourism is a significant and critical component of South Africa and the global economy, and urged students to become involved in this industry.
“Growth in international and domestic tourism means more opportunities to become actively involved in tourism,” said Ms Mohono. “These opportunities are available to local suppliers and tourism service providers, small businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators, as well as people from local communities – and most importantly you as students.
“Domestic tourism is also crucial to the long-term growth and sustainability of tourism in the province,” she added.
“We are committed to ensuring that the wonders we boast as a province, the fauna and the flora and the unique heritage we have been endowed with, are shared by the ever growing number of South Africans and the world at large.”
Other presentations during the day included a discussion about “Intelligence Tourism” by Mr Jeff Mabunda from the North West Tourism Board, “Tourism Entrepreneur” presented by Ms Gugu Tong from Empire Travel Agency, and presentations on the Bokone Bophirima Tour App by Mr Kagiso Tshirang.

Ms Desbo Mohono, MEC of the North West Provincial Department of Tourism, and Prof Marilyn Setlalentoa, the executive dean of the NWU’s Faculty of Humanities address the Tourism Lekgotla participants.