Ashkal Alwan is pleased to announce the open call for applications to participate in the seventh edition of the Home Workspace Program (HWP) study program, taking place in Beirut from October 9th, 2025 through July 21st, 2025.

The Home Workspace Program (HWP) is a 10-month study program that enrols 10-15 fellows every year. The program is open to artists and other cultural practitioners aiming to develop their formal, technical and theoretical skills in a critical setting. HWP fellows are provided with tutorials and resources in order to facilitate and support their practices. Each fellow is granted a merit-based scholarship and access to shared studio spaces. A public component, open to enrolled and non-enrolled participants alike,in the form of lectures, seminars, and workshops.
The 2025-2026 program consists of three primary components: the preface, the workshops, and the course of seminars. The resident professor (RP) and the resident advisor (RA) follow up on fellows’ activities for the entirety of the program, as well as organize group meetings, tutorials, group critiques and open studios. The program will explore a range of subject areas this year, revolving around the interests and concerns of a number of invited artists, writers, activists, scholars, and curators.
The program begins with a three-week preface, offering an intensive introduction to the program and orienting fellows to Lebanon’s urban and cultural landscape through site visits and talks with invited guests.
The preface will be followed by four workshops led by visiting professors (VP): Iman Issa, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Lina Majdalanie, and Raqs Media Collective. The VPs are invited for an extended period of time to run workshops alongside guests of their choice, and to explore themes, media and forms affined with their distinct artistic practices. The VPs also conduct studio visits and engage in close discussions with HWP fellows.
The course runs concurrently twice a month throughout the ten-month period, and is taught by a number of guest professors (GP). The course will consist of up to 6 hours of lectures/seminars, over a two-day period and will explore concepts, histories and practices close to the VPs’ research areas.
Deadline for application: April 20, 2025
Please click here to apply online