Opportunities for Gauteng Internship And Learnership

Opportunities for Gauteng Internship And Learnership

Internship and learnernship programs can assist unemployed graduates have essential arsenal to gain better chance for employment opportunity. Not to mentioned, within the program they have access not only about something theoretical, so then they have basic to perform their assessment, but also work-based training. For its benefits, Gauteng government invites talented unemployed graduates to apply Gauteng internship and learnership programe if you are (1) recently unemployed, (2) your age is around 18 to 35 years old, and (3) you are in need of experiential training for skill development. However, before applying the internship and learnersip and have access for the chance that is available, you need to register yourself at GCRA (Gauteng City Region Academy.
Gauteng Learnerships
Gauteng government concerns about the fact that even though there is positive news about the increasing of employment, sadly it is not displayed the whole situation, which means there are still many young generation that deals with problem to access job opportunity that meets with their major. There reason is, they have no experience. Through, Gauteng internship and learnerhip, Gauteng government want to assist their young generation with work-based training program to fulfill the employer requests toward applicants with experience.
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Unlike last year, the numbers of the opportunities that are opened for Gauteng internship and learnership are increased. Gauteng government intends to expand the chances for the internship and learnership that they offer to 60.000 positions. The quota is still far to complete as the position that is already filled is only 1500 positions. The program will be last for in 12 months, and within the program, you will get exposure for anything that you need to make you more marketable upon of the completion of the training program. Ensure that you prepare yourself with the qualifications that are needed, thence, you can apply for the position online.