Pearson Scholarship

Pearson Scholarship

Investing in excellence.
With over 30 years of experience in the education sector, CTI understand the importance of recognising the hard work students put in to reach their academic goals, therefore, the Pearson Scholarship was founded in 2025. This scholarship aims to both reward and inspire students on their learning journey to academic excellence by investing R2.5 million in tuition and learning materials for the 2025 academic year.
New Students
These awards are made available to new students who enrol for a Bachelor qualification for the first time after Grade 12: Initial application June/July Grade 12 results can be submitted.

  • A student who enrols for special courses, short learning programs, Higher Certificate, or Foundation programs does not qualify for these awards.
  • Only South African Citizens may apply for these awards.
  • Students must have a Pearson Student Number to apply for a scholarship (which will be received on successful application to CTI)
  • A student only qualifies for the awards if he/ she registers for all the modules of a specific bachelor qualification in the academic year.
  • Students who have studied at other higher education institutions and who are undergraduate students again, do not qualify for these awards

The awards will be made at the sole discretion of Pearson, based on the following criteria:

  1. The candidate passed all subjects on the Grade 12 Certificate above 55% (Rating code 4)
  2. Only six subjects with the highest rating (excluding Life Orientation) shall be taken into consideration.
  3. Candidates wishing to study the sciences, commerce, business and IT need to have completed Mathematics (not Maths Literacy). Candidates applying for a Bachelor of Arts qualification may have taken Maths Literacy.
  4. Application rankings will be determined by the average percentage of the rating score obtained on the Grade 12 certificate( or equivalent (A-levels, IEB)
  5. Attend a panel interview may be required.

Current Students
Returning Students – no application process, selection by internal committee using results from Merit lists.
Criteria for scholarships

  • The student was in a degree course in the previous year of academic study.
  • The student did not fail or repeat any module in his last year of academic studies.
  • Was enrolled for a full course load in his/her previous academic year of study.
  • In all modules completed in the previous academic year, he/she did not obtain a pass mark less than 60% in any module
  • Maintained average pass mark of 65% prior to receiving the award.
  • A panel interview may be required.

Take the next step and apply today!
Click here to download the application form
Applications close 20 January 2025.
To submit your application or to find out more please contact