PetroSA Learnership Programme
Are you looking for a job? Do you want to join a learnership programme? If you have interest with a kind of learnership programme, this article might be helpful for you. PetroSA learnership programme gives you a chance to be the part of their unemployed learners. PetroSA will choose 15 trainers to join with them in their programmer. The 15 trainers will work with the theory and the practical of Chemical component at the PetroSA GTL Refinery and the Centre of Excellence for about 12 months. To join this programme, there are some qualifications and requirements that should fulfilled by you.
To join this learnership programme, you have to pay attention to the qualifications and experiences that needed by the company. It is better for you to join if programme if you have a good ability in English. You are in grade 12 with Mathematic and Physic Science or equivalent programme. You also need to have ability to work with Chemical Process Plant environment and know well about computer basic. The competencies that you need for join the PetroSA learnership programme are, you are a good communicator and you should be someone who is easygoing or easy to do adaption. You also should be the good team worker and always pay attention to the details.
About the job specifications, you have to join the Process Operator training with the Chemical Process environment. You also need to attend the theoretical classes at the Centre of Excellence and you can work with the shift that required. In the last section, you should get the competency in the Unit standard of NQL Level 1 and you should compile the Portfolio of Evidence as the supporting data to this qualification. To join this PetroSA learnership programme, you should sent the application to the befor the due date (24 March 2025) and it will be better for you to see more information in