Potato Industry Bursary Program

Potato Industry Bursary Program

Regularly Potato bursary offers bursary opportunity for under graduate, post graduate and diploma who aim to complete qualification in agriculture field of study from higher institution in South Africa. However, this time the chance is given only to post graduate applicants who are studying toward the previous mentioned field of study. However only applicants who meet these criteria have chance to win the bursary program; (1) PhD, Masters, and Honours students that aim agriculture field of study, especially for PhD and Masters applicants, they have to submit research proposal relevant to Potato Industry, (3) Citizen of South African, (4) sound academic performance, and proof of admission from accredited SA Universities.
Suitable applicants with the previously mentioned criteria,before submitting the application for Potato bursary, you have to download the application online or you are allowed to request application form via transformation@potatoes.ca.za. The closing date of the bursary program is on October 31st. Only applicants who are contacted by Potato Industry on January 31st are considered to follow the next step of the bursary recruitment, otherwise, it means your application is failed. In addition, prior you apply the bursary program, be sure that you know, the Potato Industry requires its bursars to work with them equal with the year that you spend for the bursary. You can see information in here http://www.potatoes.co.za/transformation-potato-development-programme/bursary-scheme.aspx
You have more than financial aid when successfully become bursars of Potato bursary 2025, 2025 & 2025 program including; (1) get exposure of annual induction program set in April where you have chance to know more about Potato Industry, (2) opportunity to stop by potato farm, fresh produce market, processing and also research facilities, (3) if you are under graduates and diploma applicants, you have chance to improve your skill through the internship program schemed by Potato Industry, and (4) work-based experience for better opportunity to obtain your desired career inline with the bursary program.