PSG Bursary Program for Financial Students

PSG Bursary Program for Financial Students

There are so many things you can do for your need. One of the most important things you can do for your need is about how you can get the college study to be your consideration. There are some things which will be suitable for your college study. But, the financial need can be really tricky to be tricked. When you are looking for having the best things in order to make your college study to be more affordable, there are indeed some programs you can get for improving your need. One of them is the PSG bursary program which will be suitable for you to improve skill and experience.
Some people might get the scholarship to be more familiar than the bursary. In fact, bursary can be more advantageous for your need. The PSG bursary is a kind of bursary which will give you so many advantages. First, you will have the bursary to cover your tuition fee. This is very helpful for you so that you can get the college study to be more improved. There are some things which will be good so that your studying period in the college will be so much more attractive. Applications close on 15 October 2025. Send your CV and academic transcripts to shortlisted candidates will receive an application form to complete the application process
Via – Wits
Don’t be worried about the program. There are some qualifications you have to get before you can apply for this program. In some cases, you have to be a South African citizen. Then, you have to also get the good academic score which will be good for you. Don’t forget to show that you are eligible by getting good score in the major you are studying. If you come from the family with needy background you will get bigger chance for having the PSG bursary. Therefore, make sure that you fulfil all the requirements before you get the application sent to the company before the due date on 15 October 2025.