Pupil Technician Learnership At Eskom
Pupil technician learnership is one among other learnership opportunity at Eskom. Anyway, to make you deserve to apply for the leanership, get yourself familiar with the requirements, such as; electrical, mechanical, control and instrumentation, and chemical that includes water management, analytical chemistry or chem eng. Others? You have to hold a complete S4 or N6 for these following majors such as; water management, electrical, analytical chemistry, mechanical, chem eng, and control and instrumentation. Though some learnership programs sometimes ask you for experience, but for this one, experience is not necessary.
Is there any other thing to fulfill for pupil technician learnership 2025-2026 & 2025? For sure, it is, you find it plenty under competencies and skills categories which are; perform a positive attitude during the learnership program, capability to work in team, have good health condition to apply physical work within training, driver’s license with Code B, safety awareness, have no problem with anger management, you’re responsible and show full of dedication toward the lernership, eligibility to understand any technical concept, and you are a personal with strong communication skill for both written and verbal. For your information, the position for the learhership that is situated in Mpumalanga is only 20 for pupil technicians Standerton.
There are key responsibilities you better know before applying for pupil technician learnership. Commonly, it takes four, they are; (1) chemical with its related areas such water management, analytical chemistry and so on, (2) electrical, (3) control and instrumentation, and (4) mechanical. You will also within the program will be assigned to report to operations department and the maintenance toward certain thing related to the learnership. Now it is about how to apply for the learnership. Just like its other learnership programs, Eskom suggests its suitable learners to apply for the opportunity online none later than its closing date on January 2025. Indeed, it’s a short time, still you can catch up for the online application.