R6,000 For Free to people with Grade12

R6,000 For Free to people with Grade12

You’ve done the hard work – now it’s time to claim your matric fame through our new exam results web app.

If you’ve written matric this year and are eagerly awaiting the release of your results, click on http://matric.sowetanlive.co.za.
There you can create a quick profile using your matric exam number. You can also upload a picture of yourself and tell us about your dreams for the future, along with other details.
We’ve even tossed in a R6,000 cash prize to sweeten the deal for one lucky matriculant!
When the results are released, we will link your result to your profile so that your achievement is no longer an anonymous number but something special linked to you and your plans.

You can share it, boast about it or print it out and keep it for the future.
We’ll even throw in some surprises for special achievements like multiple distinctions.
You can only register a profile until January 4 2025 – the day before most of the National Senior Certificate results are released.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to claim your matric fame.