Red & Yellow Opens Bursary Applications For 2025
Along with Red & Yellow’s recent repositioning as a Creative School of Business, the commitment to a social promise has been renewed, which ensures that 10% of all students have bursaries for full-time studies at the Cape Town campus.
These programmes include a 3-year BA Degree in Visual Communication, a 1-year Advanced Diploma in Marketing and Advertising Communications, a 1-year Advanced Diploma in User Centered Design, and two newly introduced 1-year Certificate programmes (Creating Digital Content or Graphic Design).
Red & Yellow’s bursary offering allows a broad range of students to apply regardless of their background or circumstances. “It doesn’t matter where I’ve come from, this bursary gives me the opportunity to decide where I’m going,” said a 2025 bursary student.
Carmen Schaefer, Creative Head of Department commented, “Diversity is not just about what happens in the classroom. It opens the playing field for different perspectives; it encourages open minds and curiosity and builds a solid, inclusive foundation for different cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, and passions.
It is a non-negotiable for Red & Yellow to have bursary students; education is the only true way we’re going to impact the future of the next-gen workforce.”
“Part of our mission is to provide a free, private tertiary education experience for as many students as possible in order to truly impact our society and support our mission: to teach the great creators, inventors, leaders, and entrepreneurs of the 21st Century.
We are a better business school because we are filled with all students from all walks of life.” comments Wesley Fredericks, MD of Red & Yellow.
High school leavers and university graduates are looking for qualifications to get their careers off the ground across a variety of fields where creative thinking is crucial for future success.
Integrating the four faculties of Management Studies, Marketing, Human Studies and Creative Production into all programmes and courses, Red & Yellow is preparing students with the commercial logic and creative magic that will set them apart.
It is part of Red & Yellow’s mandate to make this possible, as it has been for close on 25 years.
Applications for student bursaries are now open, with limited spots available.
Students can apply online or email
Red & Yellow is inviting companies to sponsor a bursary and make a real difference to transformation. If you are interested and would like to sponsor a bursary student, please send an email to or give us a call on 0861 878 258