Register for a Diploma in Social Media Marketing for Free: Limited Space for South Africans Only

Register for a Diploma in Social Media Marketing for Free: Limited Space for South Africans Only

With the introduction of web 2.0, a lot and interesting social mediums have emerged and a an arena for marketing has been created. With social media, one can do a lot. Social media can help you market your products for free, you can help companies market their products for a fee, you can also create a platform to generate revenue with these platforms. But to do this you need knowledge in the field. But don’t worry because there is a free course just for that. Read further below and enroll free on this programme.

With this free course you can acquire the following at the completion of the programme, plus you will be awarded a certificate of completion.

Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!
1.Getting to Know Social Media

What is Social Media? What are the fundamentals? How does this all impact your business? You will learn exactly why your business should be using Social Media Marketing as a tool to reach more customers. We introduce social content and the benefits of using it to reach more followers. We will look at the basics of identifying your audience and targeting them correctly so you can leverage that knowledge into building a community of followers online, that can be turned into buying customers.
2.Knowing Your Audience
Social Media is all about having a conversation online. Social Media Marketing is all about turning that conversation into drawing potential customers towards your business. If you don’t know who you’re talking to though, how can you know what they want to talk about? In this lesson, we look at identifying your potential audience, how to talk to them correctly and how to convert your broader audience into leads, and your leads into buyers.
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3.The Platforms – Social Content
In lesson 3, we look at immersing ourselves in the world of Social Media, taking advantage of tools like hashtags and trends to keep up to date with everything around us. We talk about the fast-paced nature of the platforms, using these to our advantage, and look at some tools to keep our content relevant and engaging. Through creating great content, we ensure that we are only engaging with the strongest leads in a meaningful way, which we can then turn into our most loyal buyers.
4.User Generated Content – YouTube, Instagram & Beyond
In a world where video and pictures make the strongest Social Media content, how do we utilise these mediums to engage our leads correctly? In a massively competitive landscape, where quality and value are the difference between a conversion and a share, we look at the most popular platforms that utilise these mediums and how we can leverage them to create content that converts views to leads, and leads to buyers.
Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!
5.Facebook Advertising
Do you want to understand how to get and keep the right customers? In this lesson, we are going to show you how to target your audience for lead generation. You will learn how to create content and get that content in front of the right audience to drive conversions. Most importantly, we will show you how to track your successes.
6.The Sales Funnel – Turning Your Leads Into Buyers
Once you have established a strong social media presence, identified your audience and created a constant reliable lead flow, what then? Do you know the expected numbers in terms of conversion or drop off? Do you know the value of repeat business? Understanding the Sales Funnel of our customer journey is essential. We want to turn leads into buyers, but also to maximise the efficiency of those efforts and have our buyers come back again as loyal repeat customers.
Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!
7.Data Driven Marketing & Sales
During lesson 7, we discuss the importance of analysing our data to understand the impact of our Social Media efforts. We introduce many processes and tools which will help guide our decision making so we can alter our campaigns for maximum impact. Remember, data drives decisions for professional marketers and allows you to take control of your own destiny in the social space and how to get the absolute maximum return on investment possible while optimising your efficiency.
8.Strategy – Monetising the Process
In our final lesson of this introductory course, we look at Social Media from a purely “Return on Investment” perspective. How can we use our quality content to generate measurable commercial gain? We explore the world of E-commerce, look at some different models and approaches, and learn how to optimise our content and channels to guarantee a high return on investment for our business. We will take everything we have learned so far and look at how to bring it all together into a strategy that not only works, but works in an efficient, profitable manner.
How to register
Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!