Registrations open for Senior Certificate Examinations 2024 – a second chance for Adult learners.

Registrations open for Senior Certificate Examinations 2024 – a second chance for Adult learners.

Statement by Minister Debbie Schäfer, Minister of Education
Over the last couple of months, my office has been inundated with queries from adult learners wishing to complete their Senior Certificate qualification.
I am aware that there are a number of learners in the Western Cape, who for very different reasons were not able to write their matric examinations or complete their high school careers. Many of these learners are now adults and wish to complete their school leaving certificate to further their education.
In 2024, 16 442 candidates registered to write the 2024 Senior Certificate for adult candidates in May/June. This is remarkable. It is also encouraging that so many adults now wish to obtain their school leaving certificate.
Registration for the 2024 Senior Certificate, which will be written in May/June 2024, opens on 1st October 2024 and candidates have until the 30th November 2024 to complete their registration.
Adult learners will find information on how register, among other details, on the WCED web site (see “Adult Matric”).
This year it was also brought to my attention that some independent centres had failed to register their candidates in the allocated timeframe, and they were therefore unable to write the examination. I urge ALL candidates to confirm that they are registered. Candidates can confirm their registration status on the SC registration webpage in March prior to the examination. Only candidates in possession of a valid Admission Letter will be allowed to write the exam.
I would like to encourage all adult learners who qualify for the Senior Certificate Examinations, to apply to write the 2024 exams. You have a full year to prepare for the exams and earn yourself an important school leaving certificate that can open up many doors for you.
In 2014, the Department of Basic Education revised requirements for the Senior Certificate (matric) qualification for adults to bring it in line with the CAPS curriculum.
Candidates writing the amended Senior Certificate are exempt from School Based Assessment, and this implies that the examination in the subject will constitute 100% of the final mark.
Who qualifies to write the amended Senior Certificate:
The following learners qualify to register for the Senior Certificate exams for adults:

  1. Adult learners who are 21 years and older, who have one of the following:
    • A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET); or
    • A Grade 9 (Standard 7) school report, stating that they have passed Grade 9; or
    • A recognized equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1, which requires two official languages.
  2. Adult learners who are 21 years and older who have passed some subjects for a Senior Certificate or a National Senior Certificate, who:
    • Need to complete a Senior Certificate qualification;
    • Have an incomplete National Senior Certificate, and whose School-Based Assessment (SBA) has expired;
    • Candidates who did the NSC in 2008, 2009 and 2010 may apply to register.
  3. In exceptional cases, Youth who are 18 to 20 years old and who are not in school can apply to the Head of Education in the province to write the exams if they have one of the following:
    • A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC) for Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET); or
    • A Grade 9 (Standard 7) school report, stating that they have passed Grade 9; or
    • A recognized equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1, which requires two official languages.
    • Applications with supporting documents and a motivation can be submitted to:
      Head: Education
      Western Cape Education Department
      For attention: Mr A. Clausen
      Private Bag X9114
      Cape Town, 8000 or hand delivered to the Examination Walk in Centre, Grand Central Building, Cape Town.

All information regarding the Senior Certificate examinations is available on the WCED website –