Rhodes University Geoscience Bursaries
Deadlines for submissions of applications are available from the sponsors. Most deadlines are between late April and late July.
Sponsoring Entity | Contact info | Comment | |
Amplats | Bursary Department Amplats Human Resource Development Unit PO Box 450 Kroondal 0350 |
Employment contractual obligation of 6 months for every 6 months of bursary funding | |
Anglo American PCL Open & Anglo American PCL Commemorative Scholarships |
www.angloamerican.co.uk/ c/o John Legoete at Careerwise tel: +27 (0) 11 484 7505 fax: +27 (0)11 484 5951 e-mail detailed CV (including Academic Results, Degree and University) to: johnl@careerwise.co.za |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
Anglo Coal | c/o Career Wise | ||
Anglo Plats | The Bursaries Department Anglo Platinum Development Centre P.O. Box 450, Kroondal, 0350 http://www.angloplatinum.com (under “careers”) |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
BHP Billiton | BHP Billiton Bursary Scheme c/o Career Wise (Pty) Limited PO Box 30632, Braamfontein, 2025, RSA info@careerwise.co.za tel: 011 484 7505 http://www.bhpbilliton.com.au/ |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
Council for Geoscience | web: www.geoscience.org.za Training & Development Council fo Geoscience Private Bag x118, Silverton, 0184 tel: 012 841-1116 e-mail: bursaries@geoscience.org.za |
One of the few employers to encourage post-grad research Supports only SA citicens, HDIs preferred |
De Beers | De Beers Bursaries c/o Careerwise (Pty) Ltd PO Box 30632 Braamfontein 2025, South Africa tel: 011 403-0933 fax: 011 403-0977 |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
Goldfields Limited | The Bursary Administrator GFTS Trust Private Bag X11 Westonaria, 1780 tel: 011 752 1145 fax: 011 752 1109/086 535 2378 email:pamela.dumalisile@goldfields.co.za www.theworkingearth.com |
No service contract obligations | |
Impala Plats | Impala Platinum Bursary Manager PO Box 5683 Rustenburg 0300 Contact: Kefiloe Seome tel: 014 569 0088 e-mail: kefiloe.seome@implats.co.za |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
Kumba Resources Ltd | Att: Johanna Pliska Recruitment, Bursaries & PIT’s Kumba Resources Ltd Bursary Department PO Box 9229 Pretoria 0001 fax: 012 307 4732 |
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding | |
MINTEK | bursaries@mintek.co.za Ms Tebogo Gule Graduate Resource Development Officer Private Bag x3015 Randburg, SA, 2125 www.mintek.co.za/bursaries tel: 011 709-4111 fax: 011 793 2413 |
SA citizens only Minimum average mark of 60% & no failed subjects |
National Student Financial Aid Scheme of South Africa (NSFAS) | Private Bag X1, Plumstead, 7807 contact: Linda Nhlumayo web: www.nsfas.org.za tel: 021 763 3232 fax: 021 762 6386 e-mail: info@nsfas.org.za Rhodes liaison: 046 603-8248 Thami Matiwana, upstairs from Rhodes Career Centre |
Loans & bursaries designed to redress HDI imbalances (i.e., HDIs might be strongly preferred) |
Upstream Trust | Upstream Training Trust P.O. Box 5111 Tygervalley 7536 web: www.upstreamtrainingtrust.com tel: 021 938 3500/3572 fax: 021 938 3520 e-mail: utt@upstreamtrainingtrust.com |
Student bursaries & funding of research projects in academic fields relating to the upstream oil industry No service obligations Only SA citizens HDIs preferred |
Xstrata Alloys | Susan Scheepers Group HRD Manager Xstrata SA (PTY) LTD -Alloys tel: (014) 592 6593 Offiice hours: Mo-Fr 7h30-16h30 e:mail: bursary@xstrata.co.za |
Geared mainly to engineers, but geologists are indeed eligible | |
Other relevant South African organisations | |||
Career Wise (Pty) Ltd | Career Wise (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg info@careerwise.co.za web: www.careerwise.co.za tel: (011) 484-7505 fax: 086 602 8983 |
Corporate recruitment & bursary services, trust fund administration | |
Geostaff | web: www.geostaff.co.za tel: +27 (0) 11 880-0243 fax: +27 (0) 11 880-0486 e-mail: geostaff@iafrica.com |
Employment service for geoscientists | |
RU Career Centre | lower floor, Eden Grove tel: 046 603-8504 |
RU Student Bureau | main floor, Eden Grove tel: 046 603-8276 |
HDI = Historically Disadvantaged Individual