SA Military Health Services: Traineeship Programme 2025

SA Military Health Services: Traineeship Programme 2025

Closing Date: 29 February 2025

Military Health

The Department of Defence is proud to offer this opportunity to the South African youth with the main purposes of promoting and enhancing the concept of Nation building. We are also serving National interest by encouraging our youth to develop a common South African Identity through exposure to military norms and customs. The emphasis will mainly be on discipline development, empowerment and global competitiveness. The SA Military Health Services is offering young South African citizens an excellent opportunity to serve in uniform over a 2 year period. These training and development opportunities will be constituted by means of a voluntary Military Skills Development System (MSDS) period of two years in order to equip young South Africans with market related skills.

General Training

Potential Applicants may apply for the following two year training opportunities.
Animal Health General Training (Dog handlers and Veterinary Orderlies)— Animal Health perform basic animal care, their primary duties include assisting with surgical procedures, dressing wounds and collecting specimens. The SAMHS is also responsible for the training of the SANDF Dog Handlers and recruits can be trained in this field. Graduates, Learners that completed Grade I 2 or learners still busy with Grade 12 may apply.
Chemical Biological Radiation Defence (CBRD) — This mustering involves activities and actions to defend against Chemical Biological Radiation weapons. This includes protection, detection and decontamination.
Physical Training Instructors (PTSR) — This mustering ¡s responsible for maintaining the fitness levels required for all uniform members. PTSR training takes place at the Joint Physical Training Sport and Recreation School in Pretoria. The duration of this learning opportunity is approximately 3 months. Applicants must be proficient In English.
Patient Administration — This mustering is responsible for the administration of patients including reception personnel, account administration, maintenance of patient files and capturing of patient records electronically. Computer literacy, good communication and Interpersonal skills are essential.

Study Opportunities

Subsequent to the reporting of successful Applicants for military training, recruits can then be considered for the under mentioned developmental opportunities and tertiary training and will be selected for the said opportunities during the two year Military Skills Development System (MSDS) training. PLEASE NOTE that training in any of these fields cannot be guaranteed and will be subject to availability and further selection criteria
PHARMACY ASSISTANT – The pharmacy assistant training program is designed to provide broad knowledge of pharmacy practice with the aim of assisting in the performance of daily repetitive tasks and provide support to the pharmacist in the practice of a pharmacy. Applicants who wish to join this mustering need Grade 12 certificate or learners still busy with Grade 12 with English Level 4, Mathematics Level 4, Life Science Level 4 and Physical Science Level 4 as compulsory subjects.
MBCHB The degree qualifies successful students to be medical doctors. .Subsequent to successful completion of the degree, Medical Doctors are employed mainly in Military Hospitals, Sickbays and Clinics that may include facilities in rural areas, Applicants must also note that the SAMHS deploy medical doctors for support to military operational deployments including peacekeeping in Africa. Applicants will need a Grade 12 certificate or learners still busy with Grade 12 with university exemption, English Level 6, Mathematics Level 6, Physical Science Level 6 and Life Science Level 6 as compulsory subjects, and a minimum APS of 36.
NURSING DIPLOMA – Nursing is a healthcare profession focused on the care of individuals, families and so they may attain, maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life from conception to death. Applicants will Grade 12 certificate or learners still busy with Grade 12 with university exemption, English Level 4, Mathematics and Life Science Level 4 as compulsory subjects, and a minimum APS of 24.
VETERINARY SCIENCE (VETERINARY SURGEON) – The degree qualifies successful students to be Veterinary Applicants will need a Grade 12 certificate or learners still busy with Grade 12 with university exemption, 6, Mathematics Level 6, Physical Science Level 6 and Life Science Level 6 as compulsory subjects, and a minimum of APS of 3.
Administrative enquiries can be directed to the SAMHS Recruitment Office at (012) 671 5171/5828. If you are interested in the Military Skills Development System in the SA Military Health Services, please complete the coupon with the requested documentation enclosed and post it to: SAMHS Recruitment Office, Department of Defence, SA Military Health Services, Private Bag X102, Centurion, 0046.
Please note: All applicants must comply with the following:

  1. Applicants must comply with health assessment requirements for appointment in the SANDF.
  2. Applicants must be accepted by a Military Selection Board and ascribe to the Military Code of Conduct.
  3. Applicants must be younger than 23 years of age and Graduates up to the age of 25.
  4. Applicants must be SA Citizens (compulsory).
  5. Applicants must have no record of criminal offence or any pending case.
  6. Applicants must be willing to undergo Basic Military Training for a period of 6 months, further Functional Training and serve in uniform within the RSA and abroad.
  7. Applicants must be willing not to be area bounded.


  1. Copy of ID
  2. Copy of Grade 12 Certificate
  3. A Short CV
  4. Copy of highest achieved qualification (eg Degree or National diploma)

It an applicant did not receive any response by 31 October 2025 application as unsuccessful.

How To Apply

Download the SA Military Heath Services Application Form 2025
Kindly complete the application form with the requested documents & post to:
South African National Defence Force
Office of the Surgeon General
Private Bag X161