Sappi Learnerships in Pulp and Paper Industries

Sappi Learnerships in Pulp and Paper Industries

Sappi was established in 1936 as South African Pulp and Paper Industries Ltd. Their office is located in Johannesburg, South Africa. Every year, Sappi is looking for talented candidates in order to join their firm through their Sappi learnerships. Sappi offers candidates full learnerships which are based on their academic results. Sappi may have a learnership which is perfect for you.

Requirements for Applicants

For those of you who are currently still in grade 12 or you are studying at an institute of higher learning you may apply for Sappi learnerships. In order to qualify for any of these learnerships, you have to complete the following requirements.

  • You must be between 18 and 25 years old
  • You must be grade 12 level of education minimum
  • You must bring you academic results
  • Must be proficient in English written, speak and read
  • You must hold a minimum of 70% for physical Science
  • You must hold a minimum of 70% for Mathematics
  • You must hold a minimum of 65 % for English
  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must process a valid South African ID
  • You must be committed to teach and you have to make a difference
  • You must offer proof of the requirement for financial purpose

Applicants also have to provide proof of acceptance at an institute of higher learning.
sappi learnerships

Application Process

For those of you who want to apply Sappi learnerships, it is not allowed for to apply this application online. You have to send the application form to the learnership department of Sappi.
You have to include your latest school outcomes and motivational letter, curriculum vitae and your ID which has been certified. And also you have to send other documentation as is indicated.