SAQA Learnership Programme

SAQA Learnership Programme

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About SAQA

SAQA learnership programme has been offered by the South African Qualifications Authority board each year for a lot of individuals of South Africa. This company requires 12 persons in the personal capacities to the SAQA board. And they also say that at least two of the 12 members have to be appointed from nominations which have been made by organized labor. You have to appoint one of the 12 members as Chairperson. The 12 members have to be appointed for a term of office which is not exceeding for five years. A member might not serve over than two consecutive terms of office. You have to pay attention to the representivity of the Board such as disability, gender and race.

Requirements for applicants

If you want to be appointed in this SAQA learnership programme you have to complete all of the requirements which have been set out by the company.

  • You must be representative of the education and training sectors and interest which has been related
  • You must have understanding and thorough knowledge of training and education
  • You have to appreciate the role of training and education in terms of transformation and reconstruction of the South African society and economy
  • You must have understanding and knowledge of qualifications matters and quality of assurance in terms of education and training
  • You must known and attested commitment to the training and education that you desire
  • You must be competent to undertake the governance and oversee the financial affairs of the SAQA


How to apply

All of the applicants of SAQA learnership programme have to submit their application form is they think they meet the requirements which have been mentioned before. The application form contains a comprehensive curriculum vitae and also nomination forms which have been completed. Applicants also have to submit certified copies of all qualifications and also other important details. Link to SAQA learnerships here and vacancies here.