SARS Graduate/Internship Programme

SARS Graduate/Internship Programme

If you seek the opportunity to work in the financial industry, be sure you apply for graduate/internship programme by SARS. Herein, the applicants will get such knowledge and skill that relates to financial sector (generally) like understanding about central bank’s role toward economy. Becoming the successful applicant of SARS graduate/internship means if you have chance to include such Programme within qualification of International and Central Bank. However, before applying this graduate/internship opportunity make sure you are in process or already completed one from these following degrees; Risk Management, Commercial Law or Finance, Mathematical Sciences, Econometric, Business Statistics, Accounting, Economics and Money and Banking.
Nevertheless, if you want to apply for this graduate/internship programme, be sure that you are a citizen of South Africa who holds one among those degrees which mentioned previously above that you get about past two years. Anyway, when you become the graduate of SARS graduate/internship programme, you are allowed to join a 12 month graduate/internship programme that is conducted in Bank’s Head Office, Pretoria. Simply say, the programme will be started from January  to December. During the graduate programme, all of the graduates will be got intense work-based learning by SARB Academy.
Apply SARS Graduate/Internship Programme
Another thing you should know that, once you become the graduate of one-year graduate/internship programme by SARS, besides getting work-based learning you will also get contract salary within the programme. Nevertheless, if you think that you are qualified enough to join this graduate/internship opportunity, applying to this graduate/internship programme is recommended. Addition, SARS graduate/internship programme will be closed on June 7th, so then, ensure you to send your application letter together with everything that is needed like the requirements that are mentioned above, before its closing date. You can send your application through their base which located in Pretoria.
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