Sasol Bursaries Schemes For Talented SA Students

Sasol Bursaries Schemes For Talented SA Students

Talented SA students should be prepared for the next opportunity that is designed by Sasol through its newest Sasol bursaries. That said, if you expect to participate into the bursary opportunity, you are obliged to meet the requirements that are proposed by Sasol. Beforehand, should you know, these requirements belong to student that complete writing Matric after the year of 2007. Speak of the bursary and its requirements, they involved; (1) have SA citizenship and also valid identity document, (2) grade 11 with a least level-5 in English as second language or level-4 in English as first language, (3) grade 11 with level-6 for Physical Science and level-7 for Maths, in case you apply for the bursary in the territory of Science or Engineering.

Still the requirements for Sasol bursaries, if you apply through CA route for Business Science or BCom Accounting, you should meet with minimum level-6 in Maths. Else, if you aim only for BCom Accounting, it should be a level-5 for Accounting. Suppose you are suitable applicants that complete writing Matric before the year of 2007, the requirements for you to match are; grade 12 (HG) with D symbol for English as first language or C symbol for English as second language. Say that you apply for Science or Engineering areas, be sure that you have A symbol in Maths (HG) and B symbol in Physical Science (HG).

Apply Sasol Bursaries

If it is BCom Accounting which you apply, you need to posses grade 12 with C symbol in Accounting (HG). Bear in mind that Sasol bursaries open the opportunity only for those excellent students from a recognized SA University. Those who are enrolled into college or university of technology, your chance is discouraged. Too, for those who are chosen for the interview, you are obliged to conduct psychometric test. Lastly, applicant that apply for both post graduate and under graduate for 2025, you should apply on April 30th 2025.