A Scholarship for Muslim Women

A Scholarship for Muslim Women

When you study abroad, you have to face some fact that there are a lot of differences between you as Muslims students there. You will find out that it is so hard just to access some important things like scholarship. You live so far away from your parents so that you cannot contact them whenever you need extra money to pay for your school needs. Now, you do not need to worry about your financial condition because though you are not in your own country, you are totally assisted in coping any problems.
It was first initiated in order to show more care to students who study abroad, especially who stay in other countries. It is based on the facts that the school found about the teachers. The target of this scholarship is all Muslim students who get difficulty in paying their duty. Yet, it is only given as a loan without any interest. Compared to other kinds of Loan Company that can give us lot money, we can simply apply for the scholarship so that you can eat well.
In order to get the scholarship, applicants should follow the requirements below. First, they should be under 24 years old. Next, they have to finish their study about science and languages instruction. Also, they have to bring a recommendation letter to the university. The applicants should not receive any kinds of scholarship from other organization too. In order to obtain the application form, you should visit the official website and download the application form. Actually, the program is conducted every year, but the deadline for the application can be different. Thus, you had better keep in touch with the website news so that you will not miss any important information. If you still confused about it, you can check the website below.
IDB Scholarship Programme