Skills development will be hero at skills authority conference, awards

Skills development will be hero at skills authority conference, awards

Skills development will be hero at skills authority conference, awards
16 January 2025
On 23-24 March this year, the National Skills Authority (NSA) will celebrate the best skills development practices in the public and private sector when it holds its conference and awards ceremony in Pretoria. The NSA, which is statutory body providing a range of skills development advice to the Ministry and others on a number of key higher education and training issues, will hold a conference to discuss issues related to its mandate. This includes promoting skills development, reviewing the skills development legislative framework and developing capacity of skills development stakeholders and system.
The skills authority says it has received entries from the public and private sector. Entries have been closed and are now being evaluated.
The NSA says that the objective of the awards is to recognise, amongst others, work placement opportunities created through the various learning programmes, that is, in artisan development, TVET and university graduate placements, learnerships and internships. Awards will be made for:  Best Artisan Development Programme
 Best TVET Placement Programme
 Best AET Programme
 Best Skills Programme
 Best University Programme (WIL/WBL)
 Best Community Project
 Best Public Sector Internship and Learnership Programme
 Best Career and Vocational Guidance Programme