About the South African Air Force Fund

About the South African Air Force Fund

About Us

About Us

The South African Air Force Fund is an officially acknowledged establishment which strives to render a service to its beneficiaries, within the bounds of the financial means available to it, with benefits, which the State does not provide.
Why a fund?
The Fund is the one non-public establishment in the South African Air Force which provides, within its means, for the interest and needs of all the beneficiaries. The activities of the Fund are not confined to any region or area and the Fund does not discriminate against any of its beneficiaries.
Who May Share in the benefits of the Fund?
The following members are eligible to become members of the Fund and share in the benefits:
  • Regular Force members of the SAAF who are voluntary contributing to the Fund.
  • Public Service Act Personnel of the SAAF who are voluntary contributing to the Fund from a date prior to demilitarization.
  • Public Service Act Personnel who occupies approved post on the establishment of the SAAF who are voluntary contributing to the Fund.
  • Members of the SAAF Reserve Force who are contributing members of the Fund.
Life-long membership upon service termination
Lifelong members are those SAAF members whose service has been terminated for the following reasons: reaching retirement age, contract expired, medical discharge, accepting a severance package or resigning (excluding dishonourable discharge). Such members remain a member of the Fund if they have been a contributing member to the Fund for at least 10 years. Such members pay no additional monthly subscription to remain a member of the Fund. This membership includes the spouse of the member exiting the SAAF as well as in the event that the exiting member passes away before or after his/her service in the SAAFF has ended. The surviving spouse has to pay no additional subscription fees to remain a member of the Fund. Please note that only serving SAAF members may voluntary become members of the Fund.
The management of the Fund will be conducted in accordance with the approved Deed of Trust. The SAAF Fund office is manned by the following entities:
  • Manager: Capital assets and Member Benefits.
  • Bookkeeper: for the day to day running of the Fund bookkeeping up to trial balance and preparing annual financial statements for auditing purposes.
  • Office administration also dealing with reservations of holiday accommodation (Charlene).
  • Marketing assistant: responsible for communicating with SAAF Fund Unit representatives, assistance with short term loans and insurance aspects. Support and assist service providers.
  • SAAF Fund Unit Representatives assisting and marketing the SAAF Fund at Base/Unit level and keeping the Commanding Officers informed of SAAF Fund matters and assisting service providers in making contact with Fund members.
Business hours
The SAAF Fund Office hours for the day to day activities will be from 07h30 to 15h45. Mondays to Fridays.
The communication channels from the Fund to its members will be through the Board of Trustee members, Ad Astra, Signals, SAAF Fund unit representative, Internet and the SAAF Association office.