South African Army Structure Details

South African Army Structure Details

SA Army Structure: Level 2

Chief of the SA Army Force Structure
Vision. The SA Army Force Structure Chief Directorate. A professional and dynamic organisation.
Mission. To structure the SA Army within the Strategic and Policy context of the Department of Defence in order to provide the SA Army component of the Landward Defence Capability.
Aim / Core Business. SA Army Force Structuring, Logistical Planning and Product Systems Management.
Directorates at SA Army Force Structure:

  • Director SA Army Structure
  • Director SA Army Logistics
  • Director SA Army Renewal
  • Director SA Army Products System Management

Chief of the SA Army Force Preparation
Vision. The Chief Directorate SA Army Force Preparation is the centre of excellence for landward combat readiness.
Mission. Chief Directorate SA Army Force Preparation is a high-performance team supporting the mission of the SA Army. In directing, orchestrating and controlling the combat readiness of SA Army Forces, we ensure effective force preparation.
Aim / Core Business. SA Army Forces are prepared to the required state of combat readiness in terms of the Force Preparation Strategy and are provided in time to SA National Defence Force, Chief Joint Operations for the execution of the Force Employment Strategy.
Directorates at SA Army Force Preparation:

  • Director SA Army Documents and Policy
  • Director SA Army Education, Training and Development (ETD)
  • Director SA Army Force Training
  • SA Army Lessons Learnt Centre

Chief of the SA Army Corporate Services
Vision. The SA Army Corporate Services is the hub of planning and support to the SA Army Future Strategy.
Mission. To direct, orchestrate and control corporate resources, services and advice through outputs directed towards operationalising the SA Army Future Strategy.
Aim / Core Business. The SA Army Corporate Service Office ensures that the SA Army has a valid and credible strategy for the short, medium and long term that is aligned with the Military Strategy and is supported by an achievable strategic plan. This is accomplished through an accepted Strategic Management and Direction Process.
Directorates at SA Army Corporate Services:

  • Director SA Army Strategic Direction
  • Director SA Army Human Resource Career Management
  • Director SA Army Human Resource Planning
  • SA Army Chaplains
  • SA Army Chief Management and Information Systems (CMIS)
  • SA Army Corporate Communication
  • SA Army Foreign Relation
  • SA Army Ceremonial Dress

Chief of the SA Army Reserves
Vision. The Chief Directorate SA Army Reserves is a specialist advisor the Chief of the SA Army and his Staff in all Reserves related issues.
Mission. To give specialist advice to Chief of the SA Army and his staff in all Reserves related issues thereby ensuring that the SA Army trains and prepares a sustainable and deployable Reserves.
Chief of the SA Army Inspector General
Vision. A professional internal auditing capability, providing an independent objective service for continuous improvement of the SA Army.
Mission. SA Army Inspector General is to provide an internal audit service within a rolling three-year strategy.
Aim / Core Business. Independent and objective service designed to address Chief of the SA Army imperatives to ensure an continuous improvement of the SA Army by executing an internal audit service consisting of both service – specific performance and service specific regulatory audits.
Sergeant Major of the SA Army
Aim. To enhance discipline in the SA Army and enforce standards of discipline to be at acceptable standards.