South32 Maintenance Internship Learnership Career
Learnership opportunity is known can skyrocket skills and knowledge in certain area that is inline with the learnership. That is why each learnership program is offered for youth of South African with potential to help them to improve their skill to get better qualification in certain industry. Talk about leanership opportunity, there South32 maintenance internship learnership career program for qualified applicants who pursue career opportunity as boilermaker, millwright, ropesman, rigger, diesel mechanical, and fitter. Interested applicants who expect to gain the position in maintenance learnership, should understand that there are requirements to follow.
South32 Maintenance Learnership
About the requirements, South32 internship learnership career 2025, 2025 & 2025 requires its applicants; (1) if you are internal employees and expect to join the leanership program in maintenance, you have to provide technical certificate of N2, (2) if you are external applicants ensure that that you hold N3 technical certificate, and (3) both applicants should have driver’s license with code 08 or EB. If you consider that you can meet the requirements previously mentioned, you can apply online for the leanership before its closing date on August 12th 2025. Keep in mind, late applicants will never be considered.
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Successful learners for South32 internship learnership career, you will have responsibility to; (1) undergo housekeeping, healthy and safety standards, (2) give information related to unsafe/harmful behavior, incidents, and also conditions that may occur within the training program to the person in the charge, (3) apply risk assessments prior doing tasks, also you have to examine hazards and risks, (4) ensure all of the equipment stay in good condition and also clean, so then it can be used anytime it’s needed, and (5) attend the learnership program both practical and theoretical training flawlessly . And that’s all what you need to know about the said learnership, expect for further information, you can find them through their website.