Stellenbosch University Supports 8% Income Increase For 2025

Stellenbosch University Supports 8% Income Increase For 2025

1. Introduction
Stellenbosch University (SU) supports the higher education sectoral approach outlined in the Universities South Africa (USAf) statement that universities require a minimum increase of 8% in their annual income for 2025. This income could come from a variety of sources including state subsidy, student fees and a complex array of other private sources of funding. A university income increase below 8% for 2025 is likely to compromise the financial position of at least 17 of the 26 public higher education institutions in South Africa.
Due to various factors, including the slow economic growth rate in the country, increasing demands on government resources and decades of funding backlogs, Stellenbosch University is of the opinion that fee-free higher education currently is not feasible. Studies have also shown that in the developing world fee-free higher education has tended to benefit the upper middle class and very affluent sectors of the population rather than the poor.
Stellenbosch University supports and follows a differentiated approach: fee increases that are mitigated through financial support to academically deserving poor students related to the joint annual household income. SU bursaries also are aligned with increases in tuition and accommodation fees.
This web page provides valuable information on the financial situation in higher education; the budget process at Stellenbosch University and how we support our students; comparisons of student fees at various universities; factors that impact on income increases; the allocation of bursaries; the impact of the 0% fee increase on SU and the next steps towards the 2025 budget.
See the sections below for detailed information:
2. Making sense of funding in the SA higher education sector
3. Stellenbosch University’s value proposition
4. How SU supports our students
5. Student fees at Stellenbosch University
6. Budget scenarios 2025
7. Impact of 2025 #feesmustfall campaign and 0% increase
8. Current initiatives and next steps