“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you” – Princess Diana
This quote aptly describes the recent act of kindness displayed by a third-year BSc Computer Science student, who gave up a bursary, in order to help somebody else complete their studies.
Hard work and commitment paid off for the Cape Town-born student who, based on academic achievement, was awarded a full study bursary.
“When I received the bursary, I realised the opportunity I had been given and decided to give it to someone more in need of it than I am,” said the student, who preferred not to be named.
The BankSeta bursary award covers tuition, books, accommodation and a food allowance. It is valued at R90 000.
“I was pleasantly surprised by the student’s decision, but I was so pleased that more financially needy students could be assisted,” said Prof Jean Greyling, who lectures the student.
The student said the #Feesmustfall movement had highlighted the plight of many poor students around the country and that he was made more aware of the struggles that countless students face in financing their studies.
“I am fortunate to have come from a family where this isn’t a concern, so I can only imagine how much a full bursary would mean to someone who has to fight hard to be educated and struggle to ensure that their fees get paid.”
The student has chosen to remain anonymous about giving away the bursary for personal reasons.
“I do not believe it’s necessary for anyone to know who I am. Acts of kindness shouldn’t be because of self-benefit since the main focus should be on what it does for others. I am blessing someone with my bursary, not to gain any recognition or praise, but instead as a response to all the blessings I have so graciously received,” he said.
The student’s parents, who financially assist him, supported his decision to give away his bursary. They also currently contribute to the tuition of other financially needy students and head an entrepreneurial trust which helps people start their own businesses.
“I would be lying if I said that I’m giving away this bursary as something I’m doing on my own. This wouldn’t be possible without my loving and supportive parents who are fortunate enough to be in a financial position to assist me and my siblings with our studies.”

 “No matter how big or small, there is always an opportunity to give in kindness and love and you should always keep your heart open to do so,” he said.