SU: Mandela Day Celebrations 2024 (Medicine & Health Sciences)

SU: Mandela Day Celebrations 2024 (Medicine & Health Sciences)

Start: 18/07/2024, 08:00
End: 18/07/2024, 17:00
Contact: Adri Brits – 021 938 9591
Location: Tygerberg Campus / -kampus
Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday will be celebrate on 18 July. In its centenary year, Stellenbosch University will pay tribute to Mandela’s extraordinary legacy through a number of projects aimed at uplifting the community and helping its fellow man and woman.
Here’s how you can get involved:


Non-perishable food items and toiletries to the Tygerberg Pantry Project and MGD.
Drop off point at TSS room 2005


Help Toasties for Tummies make sandwiches for TBH outpatients.
06:00 to 12:30 on 18 July at the TSS.

Community Service

*Clean up under the bridge or **join a pamper session at Sarepta Old Age Home
*14:00-17:00 on 17 July        **14:00-17:00 on 17-25 July

Run 5km

Take part in the Tygerberg Pantry Project’s Fun Run/Walk and bring along non-perishable food items as entry fee.
18 July at 17:00 on the Rugby field


10 tables of 10 people (students and staff) will engage to reflect on how to contribute to social cohesion.
14:00-15:30 on 19 July RSVP with
For more information and opportunities to serve, contact:
Taryn Simeon (TSR) at or 021 931 1921
Avril Whate (MGD) at or 021 938 9310
Adri Brits (TSR) at or 021 938 9591
Daisy Montjane (Pantry Project)
Ronelia Booysen (Social Impact)