Teacher For Primary School Needed
Computer skills
Bethal Independent Primary School is an English Medium Primary School situated in Bethal, Mpumalanga approximately 1.5 hour’s drive from Johannesburg or Pretoria. All our children come from the local township of Emzinoni. The school is affiliated to ISASA, and, as such, adhere to providing the best quality education possible. We currently have between 350 and 370 learners enrolled for 2025 from grade R to grade 7. ( Two classes for each grade). In 2025 we plan to introduce computer classe for all children as well as “coding” for grades 1 to 3. We will use the “Computers4Kids” syllabus. We have developed one computer laboratory with 30 computers for this purpose. As this falls outside the normal CAPS curricullum, the incumbent will paly an active role in planning the whole process (both hardware and software). The position is ideal for a young energetic person that will fit into a rural environment while enjoying working in a dynamic, success driven work force where teamwork seen as a key success factor by all members of the staff. The school hours is extended to 15h30 Mon to Thursday and the school follows a policy of no homework.
Teach and train teachers to teach coding in grades 1 to 3. We may bly expand to include grade R.
Teach computer skills to all learners from grade 1 to 7. ( 1 hour per week for grades 4 to 7; 1/2 hour per week for foundation phase)
Teach alternative subjects of choice to grades as prefered.
Assist with extra curricular activities ( athletics, Hockey; Rugby; Football; Cricket; Cross Country; chess; choir and music; cultural activities)
Qualified as a teacher and registered with SACE. People with a suitable qualification ( post matric computer training) and that can enroll for a teaching qualification can also be considered. ( matric exemption essential)
Pension Fund; 13 th cheque