About Telkom South Africa Company

About Telkom South Africa Company

About Telkom South Africa Company Company Profile

Telkom is a leading information and communications technology services provider in South Africa. We had consolidated operating revenue of R41 billion and normalised profit after tax of R3 907 million for the year ended 31 March 2025. Total assets amounted to R48.0 billion and equity attributable to the owners of Telkom to R27.6 billion as of 31 March 2025.
As of 31 March 2025, we had approximately 3.0 million telephone access lines in service and 1,329,450 ports connected via MSAN access. We offer business, residential and payphone customers a wide range of services and products, including:

  • fixed-line retail voice services using PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) lines, including ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) lines, and the sale of subscription based value-added voice services and calling plans;
  • fixed-line customer premises equipment rental and sales services both voice and data needs and these include PABX, Computers, Routers, Modems, Telephone handsets and other ancillary equipment;
  • iinterconnection services, including terminating and transiting traffic from South African mobile operators, as well as from international operators and transiting traffic from mobile to international destinations;
  • fixed-line data services, including domestic and international data transmission services, such as point-to-point leased lines, ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) services, packet-based services, managed data networking services and internet access and related information technology services;
  • Data Centre Operations includes e-commerce, application service provider, hosting, data storage, e-mail and security services;
  • W-CDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access), a 3G next generation network, including fixed voice services, data services and nomadic voice services;
  • mobile communication services, including voice services, data services and handset sales through our mobile brand called Telkom Mobile;
  • information technology services including converged communication, IT service solutions, application solutions, IT hardware and software and industrial technology service sales locally, in seven African countries, the UK and Dubai through Business Connexion Group; and other services including directory services, through Trudon (Pty) Ltd, wireless data services, through Swiftnet (Pty) Ltd.
  • Convergence is one of our key strategic initiatives in building a sustainable future for Telkom. We will lead the provision of converged services in South Africa in support of our mission statement: Seamlessly connecting people to a better life.

About Telkom South Africa Company Management

The people and teams involved in making Telkom a world-class telecommunications company.

Board of Directors

Executive and non-executive members of our board of directors

Management Team

The management team that oversees the day-to-day running of our business

Board Committees

Composition Of Telkom SA SOC Limited Board Committees

Remuneration Report

This remuneration report is intended to provide you with an overview of the group’s remuneration principles and policies with a specific emphasis on those applied to non-executive directors, executive directors, the executive committee and prescribed officers in the group.

Telkom History

Telkom is proud to present its updated Timeline, a walk through South African telecommunications that showcases highlights of the country’s communications history. You can use the timeline as a tool to chart the growth of the Company. Our timeline not only represents our recent accomplishments from Company formation in 1991 to the present day, but also provides information on the beginning of the telecommunications industry in South Africa as far back as the 16th century.
Telkom’s timeline highlights the important role Telkom has played in South Africa’s ICT industry, and will continue to play for years to come.

About Telkom South Africa Company Industry History


No use of radio at this point in the timelin

Copper Wire

Copper wire used for land-based fixed-line telecommunications

Copper wire used for intercontinental telegraphic and telecommunications

No use of copper at this point in the timeline

Use of satellites in telecommmunication

No use of satellites at this point in the timeline

Fibre optics (high data carrying capacity and low loss of signal over long distances)

No use of fibre optics at this point in the timeline

Internet protocol (IP)

No use of internet protocol at this point in the timeline

Personal computers

No use of personal computers at this point in the timeline


First practical telegraph using Morse code
First commercial telephone service set up in New Haven,USA and London,England

About Telkom South Africa Company Values

External service promise
Customer First – Our job is to help you create the future you desire. Through simple, intuitive and responsive service, we aim to connect you to your life, your business, your world, and opportunity
Understanding your needs – Only by truly understanding your needs and circumstances can we deliver what you need to thrive. We listen, understand, then act to deliver enabling experiences
We never stop working to get it right – Whether it is our service or our products, we take ownership and strive to get it right for you – in one click, one call, one visit
Internal customer service commitment
We exist to serve the customer – Our job is to enable people with connectivity, empowering them to live more richly. Even if we don’t serve customers directly, we work to enable the person who does. Through simple, intuitive, responsive service, we aim to change their world
Interaction is opportunity – We are always seeking new ways to connect with, share with and discover more about our customers – so that we can deliver the right solutions to make their worlds easier, simpler and better
We are relentless in getting it right – It is our responsibility to provide our customers with fit for purpose solutions and processes that work. We strive for zero defect, zero faults and zero downtime. We never stop working to get it right – in one click, one call, one visit

At Telkom we help to create the futures our customers desire.
We orchestrate enabling experiences through seamless, intuitive solutions and responsive, reliable service.

Employee value proposition

Our employee value proposition is underpinned by our values
Continuous improvement – There is always a better way to do something. And we don’t stop trying to find it
Honesty – It is not only the policy, it’s the only policy. No compromise
Accountability – We take credit when it is due, and blame too. It’s our job to see it through to the end
Respect – We show it to ourselves, to each other, to our customers and to our world
Teamwork – Two heads are better than one and many heads have untold potential
To meet our value commitments we continually strive to improve our engagement with and responsiveness to our people. We invest in their training and development and the development of effective leaders. We also invest in keeping our people safe.
A healthy workforce is an advantage to our business. We aim to provide a workplace free from health and hygiene hazards and to ensure all our employees are members of an effective healthcare programme.
Labour relations
We negotiate in good faith to achieve mutually beneficial wage agreements and together we strive to honour our responsibilities and commitments contained in these agreements. We work together to achieve our objectives.

  • Continuous improvement
  • Honesty
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Teamwork

About Telkom South Africa Company Awards

Telkom’s public visibility is enormous.