Tiger Wheel Tyre Learnership Programme

Tiger Wheel Tyre Learnership Programme

This is it another learnership progarmme you may find in 2025– a sale learnership programme that is given to you by Tiger Wheel Tyre. Nevertheless, if you are interested to something like cars and anything that is related to it, more when it comes to sell it– then considering a learnership programme like Tiger Wheel Tyre learnership opportunity will bring you good. However, to join this learnership opportunity which takes place in both Western Cape and Gauteng, there are some requirements you need to know. Therefore, below are some requirements for you to have if you yearn for this sale learnership opportunity.
To be capable to be a a successful learner for this learnership opportunity, then you may have some followings things, they are; (1) to join for Tiger Wheel Tyre learnership programme, a 12 grade in Math and English is a must and it is better if the result you have is above the average, (2) you have excellence interpersonal skill and fine personality, (3) hold a legal driver’s license, and (4) you must have a typical personality that have curiosity to learn and to deal with hard work. Thus, if you consider yourself have that eligibility above; this learnership programme definitely is for you.
Asking about applying this learnership programme? In fact, there are some ways for you to apply for this learnership opportunity. You can visit to www.sh-a.co.zato do online application. The next thing you should do is clicking a so called TWT symbol then directly goes to the application side or, to apply for Tiger Wheel Tyre learnership programme you also able to do a phone call at 0116781226. The others two ways to apply for this learnership opportunity are; email the application you have to recruit@sh-a.co.za and you can also fax your application to 0875858812. Addition, the closing date for this learnership opportunity is on March 20th 2025— and for the PDI applicants you will be the priority.