TLabs Internship Learnership Vacancies Program

TLabs Internship Learnership Vacancies Program

As TLabs internship learnership vacancies program is recently opened, it means a chance for interest applicants to start preparing themselves. TLabs for its graduate internship offers two categories for suitable applicants to apply, first, Software Engineering/IT graduate internship. This graduate internship program is designed for applicants with university degree or applicants with national diploma. They should have BSc Hons for Computational Physic or Computer Science qualifications. To obtain better chance to win the graduate internship, applicants should obtain C++  of  high level command in computer programming, not to mention that you should have skill to work with Linux as operating system.
Potential interns who win TLabs internship learnership vacancies program in Software Engineering or IT, during the graduate internship, they should perform contribution for computer cluster operations and maintenance where SA-LICE team use it in order to do data analyzing located at iThemba Labs. Second, it is Communication graduate intern program for suitable applicants that hold university degree or for those who hold national diploma. Too, Communication graduate internship opportunity requires its applicants to have qualification specialized in Science Communication or Journalism & Media Studies. Potential interns who successfully join the graduate internship program they will undergo assistance related to internal & external communication to support activities of iThemba Labs.
Applicants who meet the requirements and have interest to apply TLabs internship learnership vacancies program, ensure to send your application via email by submitting comprehensive curriculum vitae to, right before the closing date of the graduate internship on July 22nd. Always remember that late application will be not considered, thence send your application due date. As the chance for the graduate internship is very limited, make sure to do immediate action to apply for the training program. Graduate internship program is a great chance for any graduates to develop their skill to ease them to compete in the industry related to the graduate internship.