TRANSNET 2025 Tenders

TRANSNET 2025 Tenders

To become a Transnet supplier, please respond to the tender in the manner indicated. Ensure that all the information requested is completed, before submitting with the requested documentation. Transnet will assess whether your business complies with certain preset standards, which are required in order to supply certain items or services.
More detail about our procurement procedures is available in our guide to tenderers.
Details of Transnet’s Supplier Code of Conduct can be found here​.

Publication of tender​

Transnet publishes advertisements of available tenders in the national press.
Consult national newspapers like the Sunday Times, City Press, The New Age, etc . At the moment Transnet does not provide electronic tendering but we have a Procurement Department, where all tenders are available.

Tender submission​

Tenders must be put into the prescribed tender box, or faxed to the prescribed number, before the closing time on the closing date. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Tender documents indicate names and telephone numbers of contact persons who can be contacted regarding any uncertainties which may arise while completing the tender documents.
the integrity pact​

Integrity Pact​

a) The Integrity Pact requires a commitment from suppliers and Transnet that they will not partake in any:
Corrupt and fraudulent activities;
Anti-competitive practices; and/or
Act in bad faith against one another.
b) The Integrity Pact also serves to communicate Transnet’s Gift Policy as well as the remedies available to Transnet where a bidder contravenes any provision of the Integrity Pact, i.e. blacklisting procedure, cancellation of contracts