Travel People Job Vacancies

Travel People Job Vacancies

TravelPeople is about keeping the tourism industry connected, informed and up-to-date with vital information about Rates, Special Packages, Validity Dates and Contact details plus Industry related information such as discounts and commissions and changes in management details or invitations to view the product.  The focus is on South & Southern African as well as Indian Ocean Island products.
Suppliers’ e-mail links are in place to make reservations and requests for other information directly from the Supplier.
Part of the site including Competitions and Connection Session prices are password protected and cannot be accessed by the public. The travel industry needs to subscribe in order to be given a password to access this information.
How TravelPeople Works
TravelPeople is a business-to-business website and visitors to the site are either viewed as Travel BuyersSuppliers or Exhibitors.
Information on TravelPeople is FREE to the Travel Industry. Information that is only pertinent to Exhibitors, is Password Protected.
Travel Buyers:

  • Anyone who books travel, eg. Tour operators, Travel Agents, Conference Organisers and Corporate Secretaries who do travel arrangements for their companies.
  • Travel Buyers are invited to Register on the site to enter competitions.
  • Travel Buyers are welcome to view any other information, except the Connection Session prices which are password protected for Exhibitors.
  • Any discounts, competitions or packages on offer to the Industry are subject to availability and you may be requested to produce a bona fide business card on taking up these offers.

Travel Suppliers:

  • Anyone who represents an accommodation/conferencing establishment or a tourist attraction, activity or service.
  • Travel Suppliers are invited to advertise their product on the TravelPeople website. To find out more about the different advertising options and costs, please Contact Us
  • Travel Suppliers who have participated as Exhibitors in a TravelPeople Connection Session over the past year, automatically qualify for a complimentary listing (fact sheet) under BLUE PAGES on the site.
  • Your company’s information on your fact sheet will automatically be linked to your own website and all enquiries about the specials / news items you submit to the TravelPeople website will automatically be diverted to your email address.
  • Every time you submit a special or news item to the TravelPeople website, we will automatically be notified by email. These newly posted items are highlighted in the newsletter that goes out to over 8,000 people in the industry nationally every 10-14 days.
  • We do request that all e-mails from the industry be replied to immediately, especially if you cannot assist them.

For Travel People Vacancies Click Here