Truworths Bursary Programme2025-2026
A bursary program really is a great help for students to obtain equal right for education. Higher education is essential to make a bright future, however, it is not something cheap. Even students with excellent academic records have no chance for further education if they have no capability to finance their tertiary education. Nevertheless, are you students with huge passion to be part of retail industry? Truworths bursary programme is what you need. Interested? Read on to figure out another necessary information below to make sure whether you are qualified for the bursary programme or not.
Talented students with excellent academic performance deserve to have easy access for education, and yes, that is the reason why the bursary programe is arranged. Another reason is that, to provide the industry with talented people.The goal of Truworths bursary programme 2025, 2025 & 2025 is that to create pool of talented young generation, thus retail industry will have no shortage for human resources. Who is eligible for the bursary? Students who are studying to achieve national diploma, degrees or HET qualification specialized in retail management and IT, commerce and finance, clothing management, and textile design/fashion. Even so, the official of the bursary program will prioritize second and third year students with previously advantaged background, too, students with disabilities.
Apply Online Truworths Bursary
Alongside your application for the bursary program, there are some documents that you have to provide. Before you forward the application to apply Truworths bursary programme, you have to prepare, recent academic results, comprehensive curriculum vitae, valid identity document of South African, and motivation letter that is constructed less than or 250 words. There is no closing date specified, even so, suitable bursars can source information by forwarding their inquiries to, Don’t waste your chance to win the said bursary program if you want study your preference field of studies relevant to the bursary without any difficulties.