Tshwane University of Technology Prospective Students

Tshwane University of Technology Prospective Students

Prospective Students: Good news for prospective students who still want to enrol at TUT for the 2025 academic year. The University’s eMalahleni Campus has a limited number of spaces available in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). If you want to further your career in ICT visit the campus: 19 OR Tambo Road, eMalahleni, to submit your application. Don’t delay we are looking forward to having you as one of our students this year.

There have been changes at national level brought about by the new Policy for Higher Education Qualifications. Such changes were required by the policy document titled Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF), Government Gazette No. 36721 (02 August 2013). The introduction of the HEQSF in the Higher Education sector required all public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), including Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), to revise all its qualifications to ensure alignment with the HEQSF.
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