UCT – A guide to Undergraduate Studies in EBE

Are you thinking of studying Engineering, but you aren’t sure it’s the right choice? This video will help you to consider your options, as well as understand the application and admissions requirements.

Please note: all undergraduate applications for study in 2025 closed on Wednesday, 31 July 2025.

UCT’s undergraduate undergraduate prospectus.

The undergraduate prospectus is a guide for school leavers and others interested in studying for a first degree at UCT.

The prospectus introduces you to life at UCT, describing the campus, its services and facilities. Details of all undergraduate programmes are provided.

View the Undergraduate Prospectus.

Undergraduate Application procedure.

Application procedure

The following guidelines may be useful when you apply to UCT:

When to apply

Applications open in April every year and you should try to submit an application as soon as possible after that date.

Application Fees

An application fee must be paid for every application, except in the case of most graduates of UCT. Please refer to the fee structure for more information.

Submitting results and documents

Current learners at school must make sure that all examination results from Grade 11 until September of grade 12 are submitted. Failure to submit these results may result in delays.

Transferring students should submit all transcripts and academic records as early as possible.

Monitor your application

It is a good idea to monitor the status of your application. You can do this online.

Apply online.

Student funding and financial assistance.

NSFAS & UCT Financial Assistance

As of 1 August 2025, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) opened its student-centred application model. First-time applications for financial aid, as well as funding renewal for those students who are already recipients of NSFAS funding, will be handled centrally via NSFAS. Although applicants may have applied to multiple institutions for admission to study, only one financial aid application directly to NSFAS will be required.

In December 2025, the President announced an increase in the NSFAS financial eligibility criteria for first time entering students (FTENS) effective from 2025. The gross income cut-off is R350 000 gross family income pa. The financial eligibility for current students remains unchanged. The funding provision from NSFAS changes from a loan to a grant effective 2025.

UCT will co-fund and be part of this new student-centred application model and all students and learners who need financial assistance should apply to NSFAS through the NSFAS Online Application system.

UCT has additional funding programmes to assist students. UCT co-funds NSFAS financial aid students and also offers a funding programme – GAP funding – for those not eligible for NSFAS. We do not require a separate application to determine eligibility for funding from UCT as we will receive directly from NSFAS the information we require in order to determine your eligibility for UCT funding programmes. Kindly read the detailed information provided on all UCT’s financial assistance programmes and the general rules and policies that apply (see columns on the left).

The process for the various NSFAS categories of application is outlined below:

For all first-year applicants

All learners (potential first year students) applying to study next year are required to apply directly to NSFAS. Applications normally open from 1 September annually.

For all currently registered students (at any institution) already funded by NSFAS

Academic eligibility renewal criteria will be applied to check eligibility for renewal, and you will be informed of whether you still meet the requirements for funding.

For currently registered students intending to apply for NSFAS funding for the first time

Students not currently funded by NSFAS, or who are on a government-funded bursary programme, may apply for funding. For students in this category, applications normally open on 1 September annually. If you think that your current funder may not renew your funding, you are encouraged to submit a NSFAS application before the closing date.

Late applications

Applications will not be accepted after the closing date and it is therefore important that you get your application in on time. Late applications will not be considered.

How and where to apply

Go to the NSFAS website to register and proceed to complete your online application:

The NSFAS contact details are outlined below should you require assistance, or visit your closest tertiary institution’s Financial Aid Office for further assistance.

Share Call Number: 0860 0067 327

Email: Info@NSFAS.org.za

We encourage applicants to print a copy of their NSFAS online application and keep a record of all supporting documents, in case they are required later. Also check your email account regularly for correspondence from NSFAS and UCT.

NB. All applicants that apply online to NSFAS must make sure that they receive an application reference number after the application is submitted. Your application has not submitted successfully if you do not receive an application reference number.