UNESCO CONFINTEA Research Scholarships: Deadline – 30 May 2024

UNESCO CONFINTEA Research Scholarships: Deadline – 30 May 2024

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will offer six CONFINTEA Research Scholarships for a period of one month each to researchers from UNESCO Member States and/or Associate Member States in September 2024.
Degree level
30 May 2024
Who can apply
Researchers from UNESCO Member States and /or Associate Member States. Participants will be selected on the basis of their potential to produce articles, research papers, programme tools or policies.
Fields of study
Adult and continuing education
Literacy and non-formal basic education
Application process
In order to apply please submit the following
• A cover letter;
• Your research proposal
•An up-to-date CV
Interested candidates may submit their application to UIL Research Scholarship Coordinator Ms Lisa Krolak, at; uil-lib@unesco.org.
Postal applications may be sent to:
Mr Arne Carlsen
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
UIL Research Scholarships
Fledbrunnenstr. 58
20148 Hamburg
What the scholarship offers
The scholarship offers, accommodation close to the institute, medical insurance, and a return economy ticket to Hamburg, Germany.Additionally scholars will receive a lump sum of 500 Euros contributing to other costs incurred before, during and after their research stay in UIL (such as visa costs, transport, and daily subsistence)
Documents and links
Interested candidates may submit their applications or queries to UIL Research Scholarship Coordinator Ms Lisa Krolak via uil-lib@unesco.org