University of KwaZulu-Natal Bursaries And Students Funding Hints And Tips

University of KwaZulu-Natal Bursaries And Students Funding Hints And Tips

1. Read the instructions.
Is the donor looking for someone like you? Your course of study? Your academic achievements? Your personal details? Community involvement and leadership capacity?
Don’t waste time by applying for the wrong awards.
2. Do you need to write a letter? Or do you need to request an application form? Or do you need to e-mail your CV or fax your details?
3. Read right through the application form before starting to complete it.
4.Don’t be late – watch the closing date.
5.Supply all documents and proofs asked for.
6.Use proper notepaper, not a page torn from an exercise book, and write or type neatly without spelling errors. If you are one out of a thousand people applying for limited awards, you have to make your application stand out and look more appealing than everyone else’s.
7.Always tell the truth about your family circumstances and your past successes or failures.

1.Visit this website at : see
The most important thing to remember is BE PRO-ACTIVE. Never sit back with your begging bowl. If you try hard enough and are not deterred by some rejections you will find funds. There have been many spectacular successes by students who really wanted to achieve.
2.Earning money yourself
You may find jobs through:
The Student Employment Offices -all main campuses
Howard College campus – Shepstone Level 4 – tel: 031 – 2601429
The Student Employment Programme – PMB campus – tel: 033 – 2605740
Visit their website at : see 
3.Or find a job yourself.

Many students work in restaurants or stores. Be pro-active; don’t wait for them to find you; go out and present yourself as an intelligent and competent person at a place you think you would like to work. Even if you are not immediately employed you can make a good impression for a later time when they need someone. Keep phoning to remind them about you.

Ask whether relatives can give or lend money.
Parents’ employers
They may have a loan or bursary scheme for dependants of employees.
Local businesses, doctors, teachers, etc
Several students have been lent or given money by such people who believe in their chances of success and want to encourage them.
5.Religious Organisations
Churches, ministers and congregations often help if you are a member of that religion or congregation.
Local organisations
Organisations such as Rotary Clubs and Lions occasionally help needy, academically good students to cover small debts although they prefer to fund whole community projects.
6.Insurance Companies

Loans can be made against parents’ life policies but not against retirement annuities. The policy must have been in force for at least three years.
7.Mortgage Bond
If your parents own a house, check whether an existing bond can be increased or a new one taken out if the house is already paid for.
If you use a bank overdraft facility to pay your fees, remember that the rate of interest will be high.
9.Credit Card
You can pay University fees by credit card so you can stagger repayments over a suitable period, but the interest is higher than any of the above ways of borrowing.