University of Limpopo (UL) International Student SADC

University of Limpopo (UL) International Student SADC

The South African government has entered into an agreement with SADC countries to allow their prospective students to enroll and study at South African universities. In terms of this protocol students from the SADC region are given the same treatment as South African students. Students from outside the SADC region have to satisfy certain admission requirements as stipulated by each faculty.
Documents needed from prospective international applicants as per Department of Home Affairs directive:
Prospective international students should submit the following documentation:
1.            Valid study permit. A study permit or visa should be applied for immediately a letter of admission is received.
2.            Copy of passport and visa.
3.            Police clearance from home country.
4.            Health Insurance. All international students admitted by the university must produce evidence of health insurance prior to registration. This health insurance SHOULD be acceptable by the South African medical insurance fraternity.
5.            Copy of evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) or Matriculation Board.
The above information is needed from all non-South African applicants for admission and statistics. Failure to provide this information as a non-South African could delay the processing of your application. The international office requires this information to:

  • Keep track of academic progress made or lack thereof,
  • Keep SA Missions abroad and the local Department of Home Affairs posted of progress,
  • Keep records of all those who graduated from the university and
  • Keep records of all international students.

It is a requirement that all international qualifications be evaluated prior to registration. The Matriculation Board is responsible for the evaluation of high school qualifications whilst SAQA is responsible for the evaluation of tertiary qualifications.