University of Stellenbosch Students Responsibilities

University of Stellenbosch Students Responsibilities

Payment of Academic Fees
Payment of registration and tuition fees remains the responsibility of the student. The University makes provision for bursaries for postgraduate study to encourage students to proceed with studies on this level. The allocation of bursaries is based on the student’s academic record and, where applicable, on the basis of the student’s financial situation.
Payment of bursaries is made only after the student has registered. Often, bursaries are not paid out until the end of the first semester or even as late as the second semester. To speed up the process, applicants should complete documents promptly, and ask their supervisors to do likewise. It is essential, though, for bursary holders to make provision for their own living expenses during the intervening period. SU cannot be held responsible for a student’s keep while he / she has to wait for bursary payments. When registration only takes place at the beginning of the second semester, only half of the original amount allocated will be paid.
Application for bursaries
At postgraduate level, merit bursaries are allocated according to set criteria, provided that an application is received by the stipulated closing date. Undergraduate students, who are prospective postgraduate students, must please note that this procedure differs from the procedure followed at undergraduate level where allocation of merit bursaries is done automatically.
Students who register at Stellenbosch University for the first time and who apply for a bursary must submit a detailed record of their studies. If the study record does not provide percentages, the equivalent percentages of symbols, etc. must be supplied. Bursaries are mostly granted according to a priority list based on academic merit, and marks cannot be satisfactorily compared unless stated as percentages. Where percentages are not furnished, the application will not be accepted for consideration.
When a student accepts a bursary, the bursary institution will require him / her to enter into a contract. This involves accurate completion of forms and / or other documents and strict adherence to contractual conditions. As a matter of general principle, no person should enter into a contract without fully understanding its conditions. The same principle holds good for students entering into a contract with a bursary institution. Should you apply for financial aid, you will need to (i) read the application form attentively and (ii) to study all the printed guidelines or other printed information on the fund to which you apply for assistance. Such documents usually deal with most of the questions likely to occur to students entering into bursary contracts.
It is recommended that a student who applies for a bursary opens a file for all documents relevant to the bursary, including a copy of the application form. The exact conditions of a contract might be forgotten in time. If this results in failure to meet the obligations of a contract, legal proceedings may be instituted against the defaulting student. A filing system that allows ready access to relevant information can help to avoid such a situation.
Follow-up after application
If the applicant has not received acknowledgement of receipt of an application form within ten working days after the bursary’s internal closing date, the onus to inquire whether the Office for Postgraduate Student Funding had received the application form, rests on him/her.
Where a particular bursary allows for a renewal, such a renewal application should be submitted, recommended by the supervisor/promoter, by the announced closing date. Renewal applications normally require a progress report by the supervisor/promoter.
Updating details
As students do not necessarily reside at the same place for the duration of their studies, their addresses are subject to frequent change. This can lead to the loss of important correspondence. The computer system of the Postgraduate Student Funding Office is linked to the Student Records database and addresses are automatically obtained from there. Please ensure that any change of address is recorded at Student Records otherwise important mail regarding bursaries may be lost. This is extremely important with regard to the possible conversion of bursaries into loans.