US – Short course: Department of Logistics (MPTL Academy)
Start: 05/06/2025, 09:00
End: 07/06/2025, 17:00
End: 07/06/2025, 17:00
Contact:The Maritime, Ports, Transport & Logistics Academy –
Location: Stellenbosch University
Location: Stellenbosch University
Over 90% of international trade moves via the sea, making ports and their hinterlands vital for global trade. The maritime ports and logistics sectors are currently undergoing major changes. The competiveness of the sectors are increasing, innovations are evolving faster than ever and governments and organisations have to revise their approach towards the market. Join our maritime supply chain experts from Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and South Africa in exploring the interrelationships between the maritime, ports, transport and logistics sectors.
Who should attend:
Individuals in a leadership role (team leader, supervisor, manager) in the Maritime, Port, Transport and Logistics industries. In addition, this short course is aimed at individuals in the business or professional environment that are suitably qualifi ed in a specifi c fi eld of knowledge, but lack maritime, ports, transport and/or logistics knowledge. It provides the opportunity for delegates to ensure a competitive advantage and to broaden career prospects.
For more information see:
Who should attend:
Individuals in a leadership role (team leader, supervisor, manager) in the Maritime, Port, Transport and Logistics industries. In addition, this short course is aimed at individuals in the business or professional environment that are suitably qualifi ed in a specifi c fi eld of knowledge, but lack maritime, ports, transport and/or logistics knowledge. It provides the opportunity for delegates to ensure a competitive advantage and to broaden career prospects.
For more information see: