Werksmans Attorneys Graduates | Vacation Work For Law Students

Werksmans Attorneys Graduates | Vacation Work For Law Students


Doing your articles involves a lot of choices, hard decisions to make and many questions! One of the best ways to handle this process is to get first-hand experience by attending one of our vacation programmes.
Our Vacation Programme attracts applications from the highest calibre of law students across the country.
You will get to work hands-on with our directors, attend meetings with counsel and sit in on consultations with our clients. Many of our graduates who attended the Vacation Work Program went on to become Candidate Attorneys with us, as it provides you with an opportunity to make a lasting impression, plus it will guarantee you an articles interview with us before you leave.

Interested? Download our brochure to get more details on benefits, training, development and the non-work-part about life at Werksmans. The brochure will also give you more information on how to make your application.