Wits Business School : Panel Discussion 2025
How do big corporates tap into disruptive technology dev
eloped by start-ups?
Start Date: Wednesday, 14 June, 2025
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Contact Person: thembeka.hlatshwayo@wits.ac.za
Venue: Donald Gordon Auditorium, Wits Business School, 2 St David’s Place, Parktown
As part of the WBS/Telkom Chair in Digital Business, WBS is pleased to invite you to the next in our series of events focusing on various aspects of digital business.
Floris Buys, Founder and Executive Director of SpliceWorks, Telkom’s Innovation Ecosystem, will be facilitating a fascinating panel discussion on digital start-ups and how corporates should approach disruptive technology. He will be joined by Jayshree Naidoo, Head of the Standard Bank Incubator (who has been identified as one of the top Fintech influencers in the world), Frank Rizzo, who leads the Technology sector and Data and Analytics at KPMG and Miana Naude, who is Operations Lead for Microsoft’s BizSpark start-up programme in South Africa.
Topics to be covered include:
- How start-ups present both an opportunity and a risk to corporates.
- With the plethora of start-ups and the rate of innovation, how do corporates know which horse to bet on?
- Corporate venturing models and how to select the right model.
Booking is essential.
We look forward to hosting you!