Wits : Faculty of Science 2024 Job Vacancy

Wits : Faculty of Science 2024 Job Vacancy

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) funds the establishment of a multi-institutional National e-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform (NEPTTP). This project is coordinated by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The NEPTTP is aimed at training e-Research-enabled Master’s graduates in domains as broad as the Humanities and Social Sciences, Management, Health Sciences, Physical and Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Wits University serves as the Administrative Hub for a NEPTTP Consortium of institutions comprising the University of Limpopo, University of Venda, North West University, University of Pretoria as well as Sol Plaatjie University as an associate member.
Applications are invited for the position of Director: National e-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform (NEPTTP) in the Faculty. The appointment to the position will be for tenure of three years. This position is based at the Wits West Campus in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.
The objective of this project is to establish and manage a multi-university National e-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform offering an approved Masters qualification in e-Science / e-Research. The aim is to nurture and grow a cohort of highly skilled e-Researchers – both domain specialists with e-Science skills and specialists in e-Research tools and analytics to further the national research, development and innovation agenda.
Minimum qualification/requirements/criteria:

  • PhD in an appropriate field, in a related field with a well-recognised academic track record, or relevant industry experience
  • At least ten years’ experience in supervising postgraduate research, developing and implementing postgraduate research and training programmes and in managing research groups in academic environments; experience in e-Science or data sciences would be advantageous. At least ten years’ industry experience in an e-Science-related field will also be considered
  • A demonstrated ability to manage multidisciplinary and multi-institutional partners in academic research
  • Insight into the national research and development landscape
  • Proactive leadership and strategic insight, and oversight of national priorities
  • Excellent interpersonal and communications skills

Key responsibilities:

  • As incumbent for the lead institution, realise the mission and strategic objectives of the NEPTTP, and ensure the timely delivery of outcomes as agreed to between the CSIR and Wits University;
  • Direct and lead/manage an established consortium of academic institutions in implementing and maintaining the NEPTTP nationally;
  • Implement a formal Consortium agreement between Wits University as lead, and consortium partners;
  • Establish the governance, management, academic planning, delivery and student support structures to implement the NEPTTP;
  • Champion the adoption and continued uptake of a Masters degree in e-Science nationally, at least by all Consortium partner institutions;
  • Ensure Masters degrees in e-Science that are strategically aligned with national priorities and benchmarked against established international practices

Remuneration: A remuneration package offered includes a retirement fund, medical aid, leave, bonus and study benefits, subject to the University’s rules and regulations.
Enquiries: The NEPTTP Manager, Ms Caryn McNamara, e-science.research@wits.ac.za
Applications: Submit a covering letter accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, NRF rating (if available), a critical self-evaluation of accomplished research and plans for future research,  certified copies of all educational qualifications and identity document as well as e-mail addresses and names of 3 referees.
To apply: Applicants are invited to apply by registering their profile on the Wits i-Recruitment platform located at https://irec.wits.ac.za and submitting applications.
 Closing date: 04 August 2024
Apply For Wits Faculty of Science 2024 Job Vacancy