Women Techmakers Scholarship At Google

Women Techmakers Scholarship At Google

In order to support equal opportunity for women within technology and computing territories, Google offers suitable applicants to take part in women techmakers scholarship. The scholarship program is given for female applicants who are intending to study either undergraduate or post graduate. Successful applicants of the scholarship program they will receive for about 7000 EUR during the scholarship. Apart from some criteria that you are about to read, the selection process of the scholarship program is based on the leadership skill of the applicants together with excellent academic result.
Nevertheless, the criteria should be met for women techmakers scholarship at google, they are; (1) applicants should be female, (2) recently registered at recognized Universities in South African as 2024, 2024 & 2024 academic year students, (3) hold excellent academic record, (4) capable to represent leadership and display passion to elevate the number of women involvements in the said sector, (5) applicants should have interest toward these follow field of study, such as, informatics, computer engineering, computer science or anything relevant technical sectors, and (6) ensure that you are registered as students either part-time or full time at Middle East, Europe, or South Africa for Master’s, Bachelor’s or PhD during 2024, 2024 & 2024 academic year.
Click here to apply online 
Alongside the requirements previously mentioned, there are other things you have to know like what you should add for your application to win women techmakers scholarship at google program. When it come to this, the scholarship program requests, (1) recent resume of the applicants, (2) general information that covers any information like your preference university, contact information, and some other more, (3) reference letter you obtain from supervisor, adviser, instructor or professor, and (4) academic transcript in case that you hold prior degree and replies for essay questions (there are four in total). Forward the application online before December 1st, additionally, further inquiries can be directed to, WTMScholars@google.com.