World Youth Alliance Internship Program On-Campus Internships

World Youth Alliance Internship Program On-Campus Internships

Internship Overview

The WYA On-Campus Internship lasts for one to two semesters, while students are on campus, and gives students the opportunity to gain first-hand training and experience in networking with students on campus and managing community-level implementation of WYA’s global projects.
Interns work directly with the Regional Director for WYA North America. Interns will have the chance to complete training in the ideas that shape an understanding of the dignity of the person, as well as fundraising; be mentored in planning ways to bring WYA’s global projects, including the Human Dignity Curriculum (HDC) and FEMM (Fertility Education & Medical Management) to campus; and recruit other students to join the mission of bringing WYA to campus and receiving this kind of training, which prepares the ground for a dignity-centered focus in any line of work. We are looking for passionate, mission-driven, responsible individuals to commit.

Internship Practicals

  • complete the Certified Training Program (CTP)
  • complete FEMM Teacher Training Course (TTC) [if interested in FEMM, WYA’s affiliate women’s health program]
  • establish WYA as an official chapter on campus
  • receive training in fundraise
  • seek out university funds or fundraise to pay for Emerging Leaders Conference (ELC) and/or International Solidarity Forum (ISF) trips to NY
  • recruit members for WYA chapter
  • organize 1-2 WYA or FEMM events on campus, either with a WYA representative or other speaker, over the course of the year
  • implement a WYA-approved project of their choice [i.e., a service project, etc.]