Youth Drive Development Program at Road Accident Fund

Youth Drive Development Program at Road Accident Fund

Want to be part of youth driver development at Road Accident Fund program? For talented youth who has interest in public  transport and freight industry, the chance is recently opened and is designed by Road Accident Fund in collaboration with South African Youth Council, National Youth Development Agency and more. The requirements to apply this program, they include; (1) aged around 18 to 34, (2) holding matric qualification, (3) physically and medically capable to handle typical heavy vehicle, (4) you expect to build your career within the industry as professional driver, and (5) you should clear from criminal record.
There area supporting documents that should be provided together with the application that cover, (1) matric certificate and identity document, (2) residence’s proof, (3) curriculum vitae that consists only one page, and (4) motivation letter that states why you deserve to be selected for the position together with the reason why getting yourself a driver’s license with code 10/14 and Permit of Professional Driver can be very helpful in pursuing your career for becoming professional driver. Suitable applicants who yearn to apply position within youth driver development at Road Accident Fund 2024, 2024 & 2024 program, submit your application via right before its closing date on August 12th.
More Information Click HER (pdf)
The chance to apply youth driver development at Road Accident Fund program is designed for any talented youth of South African regardless their gender or races which means as long as they meet the requirements for the mentioned development program, they can apply. In addition, the program will be available in several provinces inside South Africa, such as, Northern Cape, KZN, Gauteng, Free State, and Eastern State. In order to ease you to attend the development program, ensure you apply the said program that is available in your province. Looking for more information? Visit the official website to dig more related to the development program.