Youth Employment South Africa Saldanha Bay Municipality: Bursary 2025 in Western Cape
Applications are invited from candidates currently writing their Grade 12 examinations, for prospective first-year University students for the 2025 academic year which will be extended to a maximum of three years provided that the candidate adheres to the bursary conditions.
The bursary is restricted to full-time study and is eligible to individuals from historically disadvantaged societal groups or individuals with disabilities whose parents / guardians are residents within the Saldanha Bay Municipal Area. The maximum estimated bursary amount for 2025 is R50 000 per student.
Bursary Application deadline is 30 June 2025
Bursary Provider: Saldanha Bay Municipality
Bursary Location: Cape Town, Western Cape
Required Documents:
- Applicants’ ID
- Parents’ / Guardians’ ID
- Proof of Parents’ / Guardians’ salary advise, payslip or 3 months bank statement (if unemployed)
- Final Grade 12 results and most recent results obtained from the tertiary institution
- University or University of Technology pr oof of registration
- Copies of ID documents of persons dependent on family income
- Affidavit of guardianship (if not staying with parents)
- Proof of address of Parent or Guardian .
In your own handwriting on a separate sheet of paper write an essay about:
- What motivates you studying towards an Accounting field
- Why do you believe you should be awarded the bursary. (Note that the essay must not exceed 1 000 words.)
Completed applications can be forwarded to :
Human Resource Service
Private Bag X12