8 things you should never say before you’re hired

8 things you should never say before you’re hired

Have you ever exited an interview thinking you and the recruiter could’ve been best friends? You’re definitely not the only one! We’re very sorry to disappoint you, but recruiters often know how to exactly phrase their questions and how to use their body language to get candidates to open up and give information you wish you would’ve kept to yourself.
We’ve compiled a list of 11 comments that could come back to bite you if you say them before your job offer is signed.
1. “I really need this job because I need the money.”
Never say you really need this job because it makes you look desperate. Rather tell the interviewer why they need you.
Second, never talk about financial issues; it puts you in a very bad negotiation place. If you’re rich, you don’t really need the money and their starting offer will be much lower than you deserve. If you’re broke, you will probably take everything you can get.
2. “I’m excited for this job because it’s close to my house.”
If you say this, you’re giving away that working closer to your home is an important factor for you, which will make for another great reason to lower your starting salary.
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3. “My partner and I are trying to get pregnant (or adopt).”
You are not having a child yet, so don’t create a possible issue that isn’t there yet. Discussing your family plans is known as a factor for possible discrimination (even though it’s unethical), so only share this information after you get the job and only at a point in time where your employer needs to know.
4. “If I work here, I will need some time off for …”

You can talk about vacation days or flexibility once you’re sorting the details of your contract and when the deal is already done. Anything unexpected can happen at any moment, so keep this information on the down low for now.
5. “In 5 years I see myself going to grad school full-time / starting my own company.”
When asked what your future plans are, stating that you will not be with this company anymore will not do you any favours. Why would someone hire you if you’re there just to pay your bills and leave when real future begins?
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6. “I can accept a lower salary if …”
Don’t sacrifice your negotiating power by saying you would take a lower salary for something that is probably very reasonable that the company should take into account anyway.
7. “Of all the jobs I’m being considered for, this is the one I really want.”
Stating this would also take away your power in any negotiations. Don’t show your weaknesses before you’re hired. They should be the ones making sacrifices to get you because they see your value, not the other way around. Plus, this also comes across as a little desperate.
8. “I’m looking forward to not job-hunting anymore.”
Don’t say you can’t wait to be done with your job search. A future employer expects you to do every project with great enthusiasm, even if you’re beginning to get sick of it.
Do you think you’re ready to ace your interview? Start applying now!