TMJ Candidate Attorneys Article Application 2024

TMJ Candidate Attorneys Article Application 2024

TMJ is one of the leading law firms in KwaZulu-Natal with offices in Pietermartizburg, Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town. We offer Candidate Attorneys an opportunity to gain experience in a number of legal fields including:

  • Commercial
  • Employment and Labour
  • Litigation
  • RAF
  • Conveyancing
  • Personal Injury
  • Estates

During the two year article period each Candidate Attorney will be given the opportunity to gain practical experience in our various departments which will assist in preparing them for their board exams as well as their future as an attorney.
We are looking for applicants who are driven, committed, enthusiastic and who are not afraid to get involved.
Closing date for 2024 articles application: 31 August 2024
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